Tricky Women 2017 - Best Practice: Animes & Mangas

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Freitag 17. März 2017

TRICKY WOMEN 2017: Best Practice - Animes & Mangas
Freitag, 17. März ab 13 Uhr im METRO Kinokulturhaus
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Große Emotionen, eine ganz eigene Bildsprache, schnelles Erzähltempo: Mangas und Animes gehören zur japanischen Popkultur wie das Kirschblütenfest zum Frühling und erfreuen sich auch hierzulande großer Beliebtheit. Mit Lectures bei freiem Eintritt widmet sich der Festivalfreitag bei TRICKY WOMEN 2017 ganz dieser vielfältigen Zeichenkunstform, deren Bildsprache über Jahrhunderte hinweg perfektioniert wurde und die auch vor ernsten Themen nicht zurückschreckt.

Vorträge in englischer Sprache:

13:00: An unusual anime: In this Corner of the World

Lecture: Prof. Jaqueline Berndt, PhD, Kyoto Seika University (Graduate School of Manga Studies)
and artist talk on the new anime ?In this Corner of the World? with renowned manga artist Fumiyo Kouno.

“In this Corner of the World” is a 2016 animated film that has been a huge success in Japan. Mostly, it is discussed as a women?s film and/or an anti-war film. What distinguishes it as an animated film or, more exactly, what it is in relation to an animated film, and what is commonly understood by the term ?anime? around the world – these are some of the questions that this lecture will look at, comparing the film with the manga original (2007-09) by artist Fumiyo Kouno which it is based on.

15:15: Three Gates Into The Realm of Manga Fandom, Creation and Research

Lecture: Dr. Sookyung YOO, Researcher at the International Manga Research Center of Kyoto Seika University (KSU), freelance manga artist, instructor and translator

How famous is manga in Japan and around the world? Why are people crazy about it? How hard is it to do manga research and what, exactly, is that?

Mehr Infos zu Best Practice:
Zum Festivalprogramm:

#trickywomen2017 #womeninanimation #anime #manga

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