Show+Tell im metalab
more info:
general idea: let’s look at some software again!
please show your favourite programm/tool
and also your most useful service/website!
the big picture: you might catch something useful
by looking over the shoulder of someone hacking away
on his computer. but why let this happen at random?
let’s show stuff so you might find useful stuff sooner.
and the more this happens at hackerspaces,
schools and workplaces, the better for us all. :-)
language: deutsch. but english is possible.
der zeitplan:
17:23 arrive, set up
18:00 let’s start!
20:00 ortswechseln in kaeuzchen
(tisch fuer 10 leute im nichtraucher reserviert)
20:15 plaetze einnehmen+bestellen
21:00 rueckkehr ins metalab
23:42 offical end
05:23 inofficial end