Gespräch am runden Tisch/Diskussion: De-linking, de-coloniality

Donnerstag, 03. November 2011 - 19:00 Uhr

Open Systems

Mit Marina Gržini

Podium: [Gespräch in Englisch]
Open Space

In the talk/discussion/round table, all three functioning as a participatory event, Marina Gržini? will try to give a context to decoloniality, necrocapitalism, political art, war-State, antiracist politics. These concepts are at the center of her artistic practice and theoretical issues that she has been dealing with in the last years.


Uhu Diskurs
Diskussion, decoloniality, necrocapitalism, political art, war-state, antiracist politics
Donnerstag, 03.11.2011 19:00
Open Systems
Lassingleithnerplatz 2
1020 Wien
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