Jay Finger - Art is essential!

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011 - 18:00 Uhr

Galerie Gans


Jay Lynn Finger-Mueller is a full-time painter who’s figurative works vary from a strict to a loose adherence to their subjects. Colour and light play the major roles in all her paintings. Having worked for years as a design architect, she is a disciplined painter who can now be found in Vienna anywhere the nude models are posing, completely riveted.

“I paint directly from the model as much as I can. I don’t want to worry about what to paint but how; and there is no subject more compelling than the human body. Dynamic poses are only minutes long and there is no time to ponder, no time to think. You must be completely lost in the doing, the act of painting or it won’t work. Some of my paintings go through endless transformations, some are trash, but it is my all-consuming passion.”

Jay is a native Californian. She had a career as a Design Architect in Los Angeles and Germany and now resides with her family in Vienna.


Public Access
Ausstellungseröffnung, Vernissage, Jay Finger, figurative Kunst
Mittwoch, 25.05.2011 18:00
bis Donnerstag, 30.06.2011
Galerie Gans
Kirchberggasse 4
1070 Wien
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