Juliana Herrero: REM 1:1

Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Präsentation
➜ edit + new album ev_02vmaZ5qimynqVM319PiVG

Juliana Herrero | REM 1:1
A printed piece of time capsules and more with invited voices and voice over
edition mono/monochrom, 2017

A happening with live readings
The work will be present

Katharina Brandl, Günther Friesinger, Alexandra Grausam, Evelyn Fürlinger, Ruth Horak, Francesco Lucifora, Lorella Scacco, Friederike Schempp, Claudio Vekstein

Graphic Design:
Capitale Wien / Berlin Cora Akdogan, Daniel Perraudin

With the catalogue REM 1:1, a comprehensive collection of works by Argentine-Austrian artist Juliana Herrero, alongside reviews and up-to-date documentation, is now provided for the first time. In her pieces, Juliana Herrero contrasts visual impressions with sound spaces. With her interventions, she is probing the boundaries of provocation, concentrated perception, and the utopian. Her installations indicate a novel conceptual development in that they are, despite being static, setting free a kinetic energy in their dialogue between analog and digital technology through vibrations of sound.

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