/ecm diskurs 30: What am I doing here, there?

Freitag, 07. April 2017 - 19:30 Uhr

Universität für angewandte Kunst

Lecture: Laurence Rassel, cultural worker
Moderation: Nora Sternfeld, Professor for Curating and Mediating Art, Aalto University Helsinki and Co-Director /ecm, Wien

Let's stop or let's begin with the dual nature of the word institution. On the one hand, its creative movement, proper to institute, to found, to establish, is put forward by the present participle of the verb, which names the movement: it is the instituting. On the other hand, the past participle of the same verb comes to designate the result of a creative movement. The instituted is what has crystallized, frozen, established. Alienation occurs when the instituted takes precedence over the institution/instituting. Can hospitality, feminism, conversation, together with open source principles be terms of engagement, terms of dialogue of back-and-forth exchanges and transformations with/in the institution?
I will share stories, experiences, questions and practices as I was/am looking for a collective engagement, a collective experience, to reach something like a common understanding : institutions matter as spaces of encounter, creativity, possibility, risk.

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Anmeldung unter: ecm_anmeldung@uni-ak.ac.at


Uhu Diskurs
Vortrag, Angewandte, Institution
Freitag, 07.04.2017 19:30
Universität für angewandte Kunst
Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
1010 Wien
- Seminarraum 2
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