David Bowie Farewell Double Feature

Donnerstag, 11. Februar 2016 - 18:30 Uhr


Das Filmcasino Wien verabschiedet sich vom größten Pop-Künstler aller Zeiten mit zwei seiner schönsten Filmrollen auf der großen Leinwand. David Bowie (1947-2016) war nicht nur in der Musikwelt eine stilbildende Ikone, sondern hat auch das Kino mit seiner faszinierenden Präsenz bereichert, wie kaum ein anderer Musiker.

Seine Hauptrollen in den beiden Kultfilmen LABYRINTH (Jim Henson | 1986) und THE MAN WHO FELL TO EARTH (Nicolas Roeg | 1976 ) zeigen zwei der schillerndsten Auftritte dieses einzigartigen Künstlers: Jareth the Goblin King und Thomas Jerome Newton.

Das Filmcasino zeigt am 11. Februar ab 18.30 Uhr beide Filme an einem Abend in englischer Originalfassung (DCP). In der CineBar sind vor, zwischen und nach den Filmen Auszüge aus Bowies musikalischem Schaffen zu hören.

?Something happened on the day he died
Spirit rose a metre and stepped aside
Somebody else took his place, and bravely cried.? (David Bowie, Blackstar)

LABYRINTH (6.30 p.m.)
1986 | R: Jim Henson | DCP | engl. OV | 101 Min | Mit: David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly

A teenager babysitting her little brother accidentally sends him to the land of the Goblin King, and she must get him back by midnight or he will be turned into a goblin.
Bowie's most celebrated movie role saw him swap jumpsuits for jodhpurs and transmute his pop star androgyny into high-camp villainy as Jareth the Goblin King, the nefarious, child-snatching dandy sitting at the heart of Jim Henson's Labyrinth. Back-combed and bewitching, Bowie's Jareth is the magnetic ringleader of Henson's fantastical menagerie, his performance cemented Labyrinth's cult appeal.

1976 | Nicolas Roeg | DCP | engl. OV | 137 Min | David Bowie, Rip Torn, Candy Clark

Thomas Jerome Newton is a humanoid alien who comes to Earth to get water for his dying planet.
David Bowie stars as an alien who crash lands on earth, seeking help for his drought-stricken planet. Using advanced knowledge developed by his species he begins a technology company to amass the resources needed to get home. However, money and his new decadent lifestyle begin to exert a stronger gravitational pull than his home planet
A post-Ziggy Bowie was perfectly cast as Thomas Jerome Newton, an extraterrestrial who lands on earth and sets about building up a high-tech business empire in order to raise funds for his drought-plagued home planet. Newton's plan is derailed by the influence of his temporary home, with Bowie's placid stranger providing an ideal foil to a human society that begins to look increasing alien in Nicolas Roeg's idiosyncratic, nightmarish sci-fi.

Mit den Filmen:
R: Jim Henson | UK/USA 1986 | DCP | Farbe | engl. OV | 101 Min
Mit David Bowie, Jennifer Connelly u.a.

R: Nicolas Roeg | UK 1976 | DCP | Farbe | engl. OV | 137 Min
Mit David Bowie, Rip Torn, Candy Clark u.a.

Eintritt: – 9,00 | Double Feature: – 15,00


Flimmer Ratte
Double-Feature, David Bowie, Kino
Donnerstag, 11.02.2016 18:30
Margaretenstraße 78
1050 Wien
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