The artist as ethnographer?

Theorie Zeitgenössische Kunst Diskussion
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Präsentationen und Diskussion

In his essay “The artist as ethnographer”, Hal Foster described
postmodern art practices which assume that the site of artistic
transformation is the site of political transformation. Soho in
Ottakring: “Sandleiten on the Move”, focuses on aspects such as
artistic intervention, interaction in the local environment, urban
development, and public life. Its main topics this year are collective
handicraft, memory and history.

Emilio Santisteban, artist, National Academy of Fine Arts, Lima
Isin Önol, Independent Curator, writer
Melih Görgün, artist and founder of “Sinopale” in Sinop, Istanbul
Moderation: Hansel Sato, artist, Vienna

Veranstaltung in englischer Sprache
In Kooperation mit SOHO in Ottakring

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