Perfekt Box: Der Künstler. Jakob Z Steiner

Donnerstag, 08. November 2012 - 19:00 Uhr

MQ Schauräume & Büros

"I think, that scandalizing is a right, to be scandalized is a right and who refuses
the pleasure of beeing scandalized is a moralist..."
- Pier Paolo Pasolini, tv-interview on "Dix de Der", 31st Oct 1975

As with many art works that are suggestive of an archive or encyclopedic documentation, Jakob Z Steiners work performs an unsettling alteration of spatial and temporal awareness for the viewer.
While – example given – Gerhard Richter’s Atlas both encapsulates the artist’s more than forty year of work while suggesting the Sisyphussian task of ordering the vast array of images currently disseminated,
Der Künstler implies, through its title and material, an attempt to document nothing less than a specific mood in our society. Exemplified through one single interview with its objective and subjective overlapping, both regarding topic and aesthetics.
(altered text based on: Jessica Morgan on “Visible World” by Fischli/Weiss in: All-Inclusive; Hollein, Ulrich; Snoeck Verlag, Köln 2008)

The contemporary space 'PERFEKT BOX' screens "Der Künstler" by Jakob Z Steiner
(the artist is present)


Flimmer Ratte
Perfekt World, Jakob Z Steiner, Der Künstler
Donnerstag, 08.11.2012 19:00
MQ Schauräume & Büros
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Wien
- Perfekt Box
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