Esh - Evils Rainbow

Donnerstag, 18. Oktober 2012 - 19:00 Uhr


Ab 18.10.2012 stellt Emir Šehanovic, Esh, aus Tuzla, seine Werke (zum ersten Mal) in Wien aus.

Esh wird bei der Eröffnung auch dabei sein. Bei der Ausstellungseröffnung wird ab 22 Uhr auch DJ Gümix ein paar Platten auflegen.

„Recognizing the potential of things from the environment and giving them a new meaning is what Emir Šehanovi? does in his work. For his series ‘Zumra’ he used old photos, that appealed him and which he finds in his surroundings, both digital and physical. Using them as a starting point Šehanovic begins to manipulate them. Following almost classical forms of collages, assemblages, he finds the simplest and most effective way of transforming them. He uses already existing elements and upgrades them. Various superstitious customs and ritual elements that surround him have also a great impact on his work, merging all together in an artistic dialogue, resulting in his multiple collages.“, so das Art-Magazin iGNANT über Eshs Werke.


Maultier Kunst
Esh, Emir Sehanovic, Evil's Rainbow, Vernissage, Ausstellung, DJ
Donnerstag, 18.10.2012 19:00
bis Samstag, 03.11.2012
Brunnengasse 76
1160 Wien
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