IKA lecture series: Architecture History after Foucault

Montag, 14. Mai 2012 - 19:00 Uhr

Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien

The seminal work of Michel Foucault is arguably centered on his throughout critic of what was called "humanism" in the 1950s and 1960s. His famous claim that "Man will disappear like a face in the sand on the beach" (1966) made him a target of fierce leftist critiques. The lecture will sketch the political and philosophical dimensions of Foucault's "antihumanism", and it will argue that critical thinking of today might still profit at least in some aspect from this old concept and these old battles.

Born 1956 in Basel, Switzerland; Professor for Modern History at the History Department, research unit for social and economic history, University of Zurich. Fields and topics of research: History of knowledge, theory of historiography, urban history, cold war history, history of the body and history of sexuality.
Key publications: Darwin und Foucault. Genealogie und Geschichte im Zeitalter der Biologie, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp 2009; (ed. with S. Berger et. al.).: Bakteriologie und Moderne. Studien zur Biopolitik des Unsichtbaren, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp 2007; Anthrax. Bioterror as fact and fantasy, Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University Press 2006 (Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp 2004); Michel Foucault zur Einführung, Junius Verlag, Hamburg, 2005, 4th edition 2010; Geschichts¬wissen¬schaft und Diskursanalyse, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 2003; Reizbare Maschinen. Eine Geschichte des Körpers 1765-1914, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 2001; (ed. with J. Tanner): Physiologie und industrielle Gesellschaft. Studien zur Verwissenschaftlichung des Körpers im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp 1998; Stadt der Bürger. Bürgerliche Macht und städtische Gesellschaft, Basel 1846-1914 (2nd edition), Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht 1997 (Paris: L'Harmattan 1998).

The lecture series 2011/2012 addresses the question: Is there architecture history after Foucault? The IKA invites historians, scientists and architecture theorists from various fields and disciplines to discuss more fundamental issues of the practices of a historian which are diversely effected by the major impact of Michel Foucault's writings. However, the main focus of the lectures is rather generally on methodo-logical approaches of subsequent historical research and knowledge. The lectures will help to redefine architecture history's position today.


Uhu Diskurs
Philipp Sarasin, Antihumanism
Montag, 14.05.2012 19:00
Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien
Schillerplatz 3
1010 Wien
- Room 211a
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