Tonka Malekovic - Analogue (city)

Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2011 - 19:00 Uhr

Ve.Sch Schikanedergasse

20. Dez. 2011, ab 19h
,Dienstag Abend' von Ludwig Kittinger & Fernando Mesquita
Tonka Malekovic
,ANALOGUE (city)'
photo and video installation
KulturKontakt residence, Vienna 2011.

Analogue (city) accentuates two different modes of reality; appearing
from the same sources, with different impacts and different

Tonka Malekovic
is a Zagreb based artist. She works in and with public space. Projects are site-specific; multimedia installations, ephemeral interventions and (participative) actions in urban environment.

in collaboration with Loose Associations, Zagreb


hAmSteR Events
Ausstellung, Foto und Video Installation, Dienstag-abend-im-ve.sch.
Dienstag, 20.12.2011 19:00
Ve.Sch Schikanedergasse
Schikanedergasse 11
1040 Wien
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