tagr - workshop: Wearable Technology by Stefanie Wuschitz

Donnerstag, 01. Januar 1970 - 01:00 Uhr

Transforming Freedom / tagR.tv

In this art-technology workshop Stefanie Wuschitz introduces wearable circuits to playfully demystify technology and open up an atmosphere where learning new technological tools is fearless, interesting and clear for artists. Using different materials that include fabric, conductive thread, recycled electronics, microcontrollers and various sensors, participants learn to create simple systems for interactive art by merging both digital and analog materials in fluid, poetic ways.

The participation is free.
Contribution to expenses would be about 20 to max. 30 EUR

What you need:
_bring your laptop
_download and install the arduino software on your laptop http://www.arduino.cc/
_bring fabric and a sewing machine or a bag or something you wanna work with....

If you want to participate please send a mail to: fmk@tagr.tv


Public Access
Donnerstag, 01.01.1970 01:00
bis Freitag, 20.08.2010
Transforming Freedom / tagR.tv
Museumsplatz 1
1070 Wien
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