Daniel Hafner: Old and New Dreams

Freitag, 26. April 2024 - 19:00 Uhr


Going from back to front, in circles, through time—the pencil marks a point on paper, it curves, leaving a graphite trace in the past it scrapes along in the present. The drawn circle closes when that present returns to its former starting point. A point at which the dreams of the now meet the dreams of the past.

Daniel Hafner is an artist whose work ranges from drawing to site-specific performance and sound art. He studied digital media, sculpture and art in public space at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna. In his performance works, the artist often experiments with found objects in combination with manual algorithms. Daniel was raised in the countryside at the eastern foot of the Kor Alps.


hAmSteR Events
Eröffnung, Solo Show, Daniel Hafner
Freitag, 26.04. 19:00
bis Sonntag, 05.05.
Grosse Sperlgasse 25
1020 Wien
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