Hidden Agenda

Mittwoch, 31. Januar 2024 - 18:00 Uhr


Stano Filko on the roof of his studio in Snezienková Bratislava, 1996, Archiv SF Stano Filko on the roof of his studio in Snezienková Bratislava, 1996, Archiv SF
Stano Filko and Franz West

Opening Stano Filko and Franz West, 31.1.24, 6–8pm

Joint opening with Croy Nielsen and Sophie Tappeiner.

The expression “hidden agenda” has a questionable connotation. That makes sense as the framework of a society is often based on ideals of truth and honesty. The trouble is that not all of our ambitions are helpful when publicly revealed. Our psyches, just as society—and in it, galleries and artists—need private space. Basic fears and desires are kept behind allegorical closed doors ...


hAmSteR Events
Eröffnung, Duo Show, Stano Filko, Franz West
Mittwoch, 31.01. 18:00
bis Samstag, 09.03.
Seilerstätte 2
1010 Wien
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