Flowers & Questions

Dienstag, 21. November 2023 - 18:00 Uhr

Galerie Eva Presenhuber

Panel talk with Bice Curiger, Jacqueline Burckhardt, and This Brunner

Galerie Eva Presenhuber is pleased to invite you to Flowers & Questions – Three Lives, Three Impulses for Art, In Switzerland: Panel Talk with Bice Curiger, Jacqueline Burckhardt, and This Brunner on Tuesday, 21 November, 2023, 6 pm, at Galerie Eva Presenhuber, Vienna.

This special discussion event accompanies the publication of three new biographies by Bice Curiger, curator and director of the Fondation Van Gogh in Arles, Jacqueline Burckhardt, art historian and author, and This Brunner, film expert and curator. One focus of the talk is the founding of the influential art magazine Parkett in 1984, which was edited by Burckhardt and Curiger and was a pioneering publication, particularly in the German-speaking art world. Moreover, Curiger's groundbreaking exhibitions, and Burckhardt's respectively Brunner's projects and initiatives to promote contemporary art respectively international auteur and arthouse cinema will be examined. Further, the panelists will discuss the significance of individuals such as Meret Oppenheim, Thomas Ammann, or Sigmar Polke for the international positioning of the Swiss art scene from the 1970s to the present.
The talk is moderated by art historian and curator Maximilian Geymüller and is held in German. Copies of the biographies are available for purchase.


Uhu Diskurs
Panel, Biografien, Bice Curiger, Jacqueline Burckhardt, This Brunner
Dienstag, 21.11.2023 18:00
Galerie Eva Presenhuber
Lichtenfelsgasse 5
1010 Wien
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