Circular Strategies Symposium 2

Freitag, 08. Oktober 2021 - 09:30 Uhr

Universität für angewandte Kunst

Optimization or Versatility?
Circular Strategies Symposium 2
Institut für Architektur

Responsible use of resources is an essential aspect of a future-oriented building culture. This means continuing to use existing buildings for as long as possible and radically reusing components and materials. But what about the building stock of tomorrow - how can we design new structures intelligently? Should we follow the principle of reduction to achieve the intended purpose with minimal material means? Or should we rather risk a certain degree of redundancy to gain robustness in the face of changing conditions?

Live stream available via

These questions are the focus of the second Circular Strategies Symposium with the title “Optimization or Versatility?”. International experts from the fields of architecture, theory, science and technology will share their thoughts and discuss concepts for a future-proof built environment.

Keller Easterling (Yale University, New Haven), Renaud Haerlingen | Rotor (Brussels), Gwyllim Jahn | Fologram (Melbourne), Jan Knippers (Stuttgart), Erich Kotroczo | SIDE (Vienna/Munich), Anupama Kundoo (Pune/Berlin), Sinus Lynge I Effekt (Copenhagen), Wolf Mangelsdorf | Buro Happold (New York), Clemens Preisinger (Vienna), Manja van de Worp | YIP Structural Engineering (London) and others.

Event held in English
Organized and curated by Karin Raith and Lukas Allner, Institute of Architecture, University of Applied Arts Vienna,
moderated by Wojciech Czaja, author and journalist, Vienna
For program details and further information visit

Please note the COVID-19 regulations:
· Reservation is required via
· Participants must show proof of either being vaccinated, tested or recovered.
· FFP2 mask must be worn in all enclosed spaces


Ameisen Urbanismus
Symposium, Baukultur
Freitag, 08.10.2021 09:30
Universität für angewandte Kunst
Oskar Kokoschka Platz 2
1010 Wien
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