The Table Is Set

Freitag, 07. Mai 2021 - 13:00 Uhr


Albin Bergström, Julia Goodman

We are happy to invite you to Gallery AAAA's second exhibition!

Opening: 7./8. May, 1:00PM - 07:30PM
Duration: 7. May – 5. June

The Table Is Set delicately brings into conversation works by Julia Goodman and Albin Bergström. Arising from the context of their shared studio space and a (literally) fruitful exchange over the years between both artists, The Table Is Set is an intimate dialogue of artistic ideas and practices that stand at the intersection of societal constructs of tradition, family ties and personal histories. In the gap between the intimate proximity and divergences of their work we hear the faint chatter of childhood memories, holiday celebrations, and the pleasures and traumas of the exuberant domestic experience which both artists playfully dissect. What remains is the sucked-out husk of a devoured lobster. Call it the skeleton of the bourgeoise.


hAmSteR Events
Duo Show, Albin Bergström, Julia Goodman
Freitag, 07.05.2021 13:00
bis Samstag, 05.06.2021
Kaschlgasse 4
1200 Wien
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