Martin Kohout: Batears

Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2020 - 15:00 Uhr


eSeL eSeL
Reopening Dec 9. Extended until Dec 19

We are happy to announce the fourth solo exhibition by Martin Kohout entitled BATEARS in collaboration with
Adrienne Herr.

I had a dream where I was behind glass, flying and flying along with the rest of the warnings. Monk, Anthropomorph, Dog, Harpy, Devil, and Plant monster were all there. Many gates, all protecting one another in spiteful rows. It felt like a place very near here, and somewhere I never go. All of a sudden there was a pen attached to my wing, that started a tricky move like one I remember before the joining of seasons…

If no sickness is, O God, what fele I so?
And if sickness is, what thing and which is she?
If sick be good, from whennes goeth my baleful thought?
But if that I consente that it be?
And if that I consente, I dutyfully
Allas! what is this wondre maladie?


hAmSteR Events
Eröffnung, Performance, Martin Kohout, Adrienne Herr
Donnerstag, 22.10.2020 15:00
bis Samstag, 19.12.2020
Elisabethstraße 24
1010 Wien
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