The View of Heroes

Donnerstag, 12. September 2019 - 19:00 Uhr

Aa Collections

Carlos Perez as an exceptional painter shows a series of works reflecting on the image of the hero, we get as a child and putting it vice versa to the adults‘ perspective of the same concept. Uncovering the true source of the idol, and reastablishing the connection to our all inner children with the different views and perspectives put in a masterly light manner on large scale canvases. the exhibition is the 3rd part of the project "Rudolfsheim Cultural Exchange Society" supported by the 15th district.


Maultier Kunst
Eröffnung, Carlos Perez, Malerei
Donnerstag, 12.09.2019 19:00
bis Samstag, 05.10.2019
Aa Collections
Reindorfgasse 9/2/R01
1150 Wien
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