Transit #1-3

Sonntag, 14. April 2019 - 19:00 Uhr

Universität für angewandte Kunst
Ort: Expositur Paulusplatz

A short presence in the space.
A student exhibition series of the department Site-specific Art
University of Applied Arts Vienna

Transit #1-3
Apr. 14-15/ 16-17/ 18-19

Apr. 14-15 #1 Lara Erel
Apr. 16-17 #2 Raphael Reichl
Apr. 18-19 #3 Benjamin Nelson

Each openings are on April 14, 16 and 18 at 7 pm!
Exhibitions are open on 15, 17, 19 from 2-10 pm!

An empty space need activities and movements to make it identifiable.
It is a place for converse and response,
for temporary exchanging of thoughts.
Ideas are filling in and out.
What are we going to see and feel here?
At the moment, on this site.


eSeLs Neugierde
Eröffnung, Ortsbezogene Kunst, Lara Erel, Raphael Reichl, Benjamin Nelson
Sonntag, 14.04.2019 19:00
bis Freitag, 19.04.2019
Universität für angewandte Kunst

Expositur Paulusplatz
Paulusplatz 5
1030 Wien
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