dirty pink waters of collectivity

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Organised by the department Art and Communication Practices
The dirty pink series on intersectional art pedagogies addresses questions of collectivity in the arts and education, which empower intersectional and post-migrant positions. Art education becomes world-making, when it leaves space for relationality, unlearning, and the condition of unknowing, for conflicting, meshing and fluid identities, and for the contamination of the dominant language(s).
• 28.03.2025, 11-14:30, Jannik Franzen, “Verlorene Form. Praktiken des Zeigens hinterfragen” filmscreening and discussion - in collaboration with Jo Schmeiser (Auditorium, VZA7)
• 7. - 8.04.2025, 10-17.00, Gloria Hasnay and Katrin Mayer, Key Operators. Weben und Coding als Mittel feministischer Geschichtsschreibung, 2days workshop,
in collaboration with: Textiles – Free, Applied, and Experimental Artistic Design, and Expanded Museum Studies (07. 04. 2025, SR 09; 08. 04. 2025, SR 10 14:15 – 18:45, OKP2)
• 29.04.2025, 18.00, MOVIE NIGHTS, filmscreening as part of “Facing the Authoritarian Drift” event series at German-speaking art schools, Applied Photography Studio (Schwanzer Trakt, 4. floor, OKP2)
• 15.05.2025, 18.00, Anna T. und Sofia Bempeza/she-dandy, Poetically Messy: Storytelling and Mistranslations, Books Launch (Flux 2, 2. floor, VZA7)