Ciné-ONU: Unbroken

Film Screening
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1 Termin
Montag 27. Jänner

Beth Lane, US/DE/IL, 2023
96 min., eOV

To mark International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust the Permanent Mission of Israel to the UN (Vienna) and the United Nations InformationService (UNIS) Vienna with the support of The Holocaust and the United Nations Outreach Programme and in cooperation with the U.S. Mission to International Organizations inVienna invite you to the Ciné-ONU screening of the documentary “UnBroken”.

Beth Lane unravels the incredible tale of how hermother and her mother’s six siblings remarkably survived the Holocaust together, but with eachlayer she peels back, Lane finds that resilience and sacrifice often go hand-in-hand, and thedecisions they made as mere children surviving Nazi Germany have rippled through generations.


Dirk “Dicky” Adler – Holocaust Survivor
Mitchell Ash – Historian, Center for Israel Studies
Dina Porat – Senior Academic Advisor, Yad Vashem
Sonja Wintersberger – Officer-in-Charge, UNIS Vienna, Moderator

Admission is first come, first served | Please come early

Accessible for people with a mobility disability

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