Sascha Hommer's In China and (counter-)Orientalism

Chris Reyns-Chikuma (University of Alberta)
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Mittwoch 22. Jänner
22. Jän.
Sascha Hommer's In China and (counter-)Orientalism
Seminarraum 22
eSeLschwarm – für Community Perspektiven

Abteilung Kulturwissenschaften in Kooperation mit dem Arbeitskreis Kulturanalyse und der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Comics

Sascha Hommer’s In China is a graphic travelogue published by Reprodukt in 2016. A travelogue usually describes the traveler’s reactions when interacting with the foreign country’s people, institutions and city- or land-scape.

Explicitly reacting against what he described in an interview as the negative news reports about China in Germany, Hommer decided to go there and live there for 4 months to experience the Chinese culture, after which he drew his own report, i.e., his graphic travelogue.

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