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Evan Jose / L.M. Oder
on Thursday, 16th of January 2025, 6-9pm
City Galerie Wien
There will be a Text by Josef Strau and the first batch of Editions that A.M. McKenzie (The Hafler Trio) and L.M. Oder have been collaboration on.
The Afterparty will be at
Titanic, Theobaldgasse 11, 1060 Vienna, 10 pm
Flowercrime, Dj Ebhardy, MKCMLLN, Dj Elin, Dominik Szereday
Evan Jose, b.1988 in Indianopolis lives and works in Vienna. In 2010 he recieved a BA at the Idiana University and studied in Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main under Monika Baer, where he got his Meisterschüler in 2022. His latests exhibitions include a Solo at Sonia Laimers Office, Vienna, AT, Solo Booth at Spark Art Fair, ViennaCity Galerie Wien, Vienna, AT, The Can, Vienna, AT, Le Maximus, Los Angeles, CA and Come over Chez Malik, Hamburg, DE.
Laurids Oder, b. 1993 in Hallein lives and works in Vienna. He studied both TransArts and Sculpture (Skulptur und Raum with Hans Schabus) at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and got his BA in 2018. His latest exhibitions include Lausanne, CH, Sihl Delta, Zurich, CH, Medium P, Frankfurt am Main, An Other Gallery, Mexico City, MEX, Pina, Vienna, AT, Alyssa Davies Gallery, New York City, NY.
He is one of the founders of E++ and part of various puplications like Gruppe Magazine.