Gregor Eldarb: Seeped into Form

Zeitgenössische Kunst Ausstellung
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Gregor Eldarb: Seeped into Form

»Seeped into Form« – An artistic investigation of space and form
With his new series of works »Seeped into Form«, Viennese artist Gregor Eldarb takes the audience on a multi-layered exploration of the creation of forms and spaces. The title refers to the slow and organic process by which ideas, concepts and environmental influences are transformed into visible and tangible structures.

Seeped Into Form

Gregor Eldarb uses a sophisticated reference system in his artistic work, which forms the background but also the cement in the construction plan of both his paintings and his films. The primarily abstract formal languages contain substantial content that is selectively combined with figurative elements or the use of text quotations.

In his most recent moving image work, text excerpts from Esther Leslie’s book Liquid Crystals (keyword: political aesthetics) serve as a source of inspiration and poetic-theoretical reference. The visual level is populated by sensually amorphous figures that emerge with aesthetic precision as if by magic. As in previous videos, various framing devices, reflections and a self-made object equipped with a magnetic field and ferrofluid oil create a visual-aesthetic language that appears animated or computer-generated, although it is actually analog manual work. (Dietmar Schwärzer)

A series of large-format paintings, primarily in black, white and gray, showing (delicate) geometric figures, as well as some digital prints complete the show. The collages and a booklet refer to the visual reference system used for the video, but also to historical, media or material contexts: these include images of the inner workings of a camera lens, works by Nam June Paik or an oil advertisement from the 1970s, which are reflected in the ferrofluid oil in the video. Eldarb has also glazed parts of the prints with the brown, oily liquid, making its lucid, metallic-looking materiality visible, which opens up references to silver photography.

The title Seeped Into Form refers to the slow and organic process by which ideas, concepts and environmental influences are transformed into visible and tangible structures.

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