Jenni Tischer

Hard Facts (I See / You Mean)
Performance Kunst Vortrag
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1 Termin
Mittwoch 22. Jänner
22. Jän.
Jenni Tischer
eSeL – Denkfutter

A cooperation between Collection and Archive & Art and Knowledge Transfer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna

The lecture performance addresses infrastructures of reproductive labor. Tischer performatively revisits historical diagrammatic representations of the unrealized garden city Llano del Rio from the 1920s in California designed by the feminist-communist architect Alice Constance Austen.
The artist will reactivate this unexplored and forgotten utopia and question the spatio-temporal and material arrangement of knowledge accumulation and the possibilities and limits of its abstract form of representation.

The event is part of the lecture series Repetitions. Artistic Perspectives, organized by: Stefanie Kitzberger, Eva Maria Stadler & Jenni Tischer

In Memory of Marina Vishmidt

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