Olof Olsson: Driving the Doubts Away

Darstellende Kunst Performance
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1 Termin im Archiv
Samstag 7. Dezember 2024
7. Dez. 2024
Olof Olsson: Driving the Doubts Away
eSeL – Artverwandtes »100% Vorfreude«

How do jokes work? What is the difference between high culture and low culture?
Why do people hate performance art?

And what do you do when doubt is killing you?

Driving the Doubts Away is an info comedy* about a confused teenager (Olof Olsson) who wants to be an artist, somehow gets into art school — and gets even more confused. Throwing light on the main plot are digressions on billionaires, art salons, Gloria Steinem, Jesus, Kant, Valhalla, Mars bars, free coffee, Austrian wine, and sparkling water. At the heart of the confusion stands Marcel Duchamp’s Fountain, a urinal turned sculpture in 1917, which in 2004 was voted the most influential art work of the 20th century.

The critic Torben Sangild writes: ”surprising, incredibly funny and thought-provoking.”

*) An info comedy consists of 40% information, 30% comedy, 20% autobiography, and 10% melodrama.

Eintritt: 12.- Euro, inkl. 2 Gin Tonic
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