Peripherien im Inneren: Will Straw

What is happening to the night?
Urbanismus Theorie Zivilgesellschaft Vortrag
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1 Termin im Archiv
Dienstag 12. November 2024
12. Nov. 2024
Peripherien im Inneren: Will Straw

Please join us for a talk by Will Straw: “What is happening to the night?”
Will Straw’s recent research centers on night cultures and how the nighttime cultures of cities are governed, promoted and represented around the world. This phenomenon has resulted in cities establishing “night mayors” or a “night czar”, in the case of London, to support nocturnal sociability, nighttime safety, and nighttime economies. This points to the new policy regimes established by cities specifically for nighttime cultures. From a cultural perspective, Straw’s work looks at the night as a “territory” of the urban experience and how it is represented in cinema, journalism, fiction, and art.

In his talk, he will draw on his broad knowledge of the spaces, temporalities and experiences of night cultures to give an overview of the recent and intense interest in the night. This interest is manifest in “night mayors” in cities globally, political battles over urban noise and lighting, and the enormous number of gallery exhibitions devoted to the visual culture of the night.
Straw maintains a website,, that tracks developments in night-time urban culture.

The talk will be introduced and moderated by Jeff Derksen (Simon Fraser University), a writer who lives in Vienna and Vancouver.

Peripherien im Inneren is a series of events in the Kohlenrutsche housing project between July and December 2024, initiated by Sabine Bitter, Jeff Derksen, Michael Klein, Christina Linortner and Helmut Weber.
Due to its location, the housing project in the area of the former Nordbahnhof is predestined to address processes of contemporary urban development that can hardly be grasped with conventional parameters of center and periphery. The location forms the starting point for further exploration of approaches to rethinking the periphery and examining different scales of the periphery for their transformative potential.

Dr. Will Straw is the James McGill Emeritus Professor of Urban Media Studies McGill University in Montréal, Québec. His engaging and wide-ranging research is rooted in the production and reception of cultural production, with on focus on music and media, as well as DIY culture, fandom, and other forms of sociability. He is on the editorial boards of many of the leading journals in several fields, including Screen, Cultural Studies, Intermédialités, Convergences: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Space and Culture, and Journal of Urban Cultural Studies. With Kieran Bonner, he co-edits the book series Culture of Cities (McGill-Queens University Press).

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