
Liminal Spaces: Tracing Dreams, Fears, and Futures

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Von Mittwoch
20. November
bis Dienstag
10. Dezember
1 Termin
Dienstag 10. Dezember
10. Dez.
Zeitgenössische Kunst Ausstellung

Exhibition by Manuela Picallo Gil, curated by Guadalupe Aldrete

Opening: Tuesday, 19/11/2024
Workshop for Teenagers: Of Fears, Hopes and Actions
Open Working Day: Wednesday, 20/11/2024 from 15:00 to 17:00
Finissage: Tuesday, 10/12/2024

The works in this exhibition move in the field of tension between fears, dreams, hopes and actions. To what extent can we delve deeper into the origins of our fears and negative energies, give them a concrete form and develop strategies to use them as a resource? The artistic contributions aim to create movement - they reflect on paralyzing emotions, recurring fears, possible scope for action and the process of self-empowerment.

The prints Digging for Shades explore fears, nightmares, dreams and memories - inspired by narratives from different generations and epigenetic perspectives. At the same time, Somos Semillas multimedia objects in space deal intensively with moments of hope and new possibilities for action. The video work Poetic Anxious Memories combines these thoughts, stories and interpretations into a multi-layered picture.

This project is supported by Stadt Wien, Bezirksförderung, OeAD-GmbH — Agentur für Bildung und Internationalisierung and eindorf.

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