Wicked Futures & the Board of Imagination

Zeitgenössische Kunst Ausstellung
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2 Termine im Archiv
Sonntag 10. November 2024
Mittwoch 6. November 2024
6. Nov. 2024
Wicked Futures & the Board of Imagination

Artists: Ralo Mayer, Anna Vasof, Borjana Ventzislavova, Stephanie Winter

‘WICKED FUTURES & the Board of Imagination’ transforms MOTHERBOARD into an immersive yellow space, merging a laboratory and film studio-like setting. Drawing inspiration from Ruha Benjamin’s belief in the transformative power of imagination, this research space explores the potential of collective envisioning. It investigates whether, in times of uncertainty and fragmentation, diverse perspectives and agents can be woven into a picture of nowness and imagination can become a decisive force. As the central anchor of the exhibition, the ‘Board of Imagination’, a large-scale sculptural adaption of the therapeutic constellation board, invites experts, artists, and audiences to exchange alternative scenarios, reshape realities, and grow solidarity in seemingly wicked futures.

The installation features sci-fi-inspired video works by Ralo Mayer, Anna Vasof, Borjana Ventzislavova and Stephanie Winter, offering humorous reflections on existing sci-fi imagery, sketching visions of new worlds, or playfully adjusting dystopian images of our current one.

‘WICKED FUTURES & the Board of Imagination’ is produced and curated by MOTHERBOARD x RADICAL CARE (Stephanie Winter - artistic vision / research, Nora Mayr - dramaturgy / research)

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