Kultursommer: Malen nach Tönen

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Sonntag 4. August 2024
4. Aug. 2024
Kultursommer: Malen nach Tönen

Laure-Catherine Beyers & Ana Ostojić: Got Lost, traveling through soundscapes

The project “‘Got Lost’, traveling through soundscapes” proposes a programme inspired by Helmut Lachenmann’s epic piece for high soprano and piano, “Got Lost”. In this piece Helmut Lachenmann deconstructs three texts in three different languages, fusing them together into one phonetic landscape that creates a new meaning which goes beyond the traditional treatment of poetry and sound itself. Not only sentences, but also words and syllables are deconstructed, often beyond recognition. This new phonetic landscape fuses together the voice and piano as one instrument, while deconstructing them into multiple layers of different types of sound within their own parts respectively.

The fact that Got Lost truly is one of a kind within the chamber music repertoire for ‘voice and piano’, inspired the idea to work together with a young, Austrian based composer, to explore the possibilities of commissioning a complementary piece to Got Lost. Exploring the limits and going outside of the context of the traditional ‘Art Song form’, as well as the treatment of the voice and piano as separate and/or combined instruments, is something that the duo is very passionate about.

Chaos Quartett, Samu Gryllus: Soundpainting – Malen nach Tönen

Das vielfach Preisgekrönte Chaos String Quartet mit Susanne Schäffer, Eszter Kruchió, Sara Marzadori und Bas Jongen trifft mit Improvisator, Komponist und Arrangeur Samu Gryllus zusammen. Sie nehmen das Publikum mit auf eine musikalische Reise, bei der mit Hilfe der Improvisationssprache „Soundpainting“ die Musiker:innen gemeinsam mit dem Publikum musikalische Experimente zum Mitmachen wagen. Vorkenntnisse sind keine notwendig! Neugierde, Offenheit und eine Prise Mut reichen vollkommen. Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Die Konzerte finden nacheinander statt.

Soprano: Laure-Catherine Beyers
Pianist: Ana Ostojić
Violine: Susanne Schäffer
Violine: Eszter Kruchió
Viola: Sara Marzadori
Violoncello: Bas Jongen
Soundpainting: Samu Gryllus

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