Kultursommer: PCCC* "Not so Open" Mic

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Freitag 26. Juli 2024
26. Juli 2024
Kultursommer: PCCC* "Not so Open" Mic

Queer Comedy
#Queer & Fun #Political Correctness

PCCC*, the Politically Correct Comedy Club
is a Queer Comedy for a Queer Audience and their Fans & Friends based in Vienna, Austria. In a comic pool of more than 30 performers, you’ll meet dancers, graphic designers, rappers, teachers, life embracers, wine drinkers; all having one thing in common: a funny story to tell. PCCC* is also known to leave the city if you ask them nicely.

Hosted by Denice Bourbon

Political Correctness according to the Oxford dictionary: “the avoidance of forms of expression or action that are perceived to exclude, marginalize, or insult groups of people who are socially disadvantaged or discriminated against.”

In short: – Don’t be an asshole – don’t make jokes at the expense of other people’s oppression for a cheap laugh – punch up but never kick down!

Denice Bourbon ist eine lesbisch/queere feministische Performancekünstlerin, Sängerin, Autorin, Moderatorin, Kuratorin, und Stand Up Comedian. Sie nutzt Humor und Unterhaltung als aktivistisches Mittel, um auf politische Themen aufmerksam zu machen. 2017 hat sie die Queere Comedy Club PCCC* mitgegründet die sie seit 2020 als Moderatorin, BüroGenie und ComedyMother alleine leitet.
Denice ist Laut, Prüde und ziemlich Dekadent.

Comedian: Loki Omran
Comedian: Denice Bourbon
Comedian: Mirabella PaidaMwoyo* Dziruni
Comedian: AnnaPhie Oh
Comedian: Malika Fankha
Comedian: Katta Spiel
Comedian: Cornelia Rosenkranz
Comedian: Georg Marsh

...Mehr lesen

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