Voices of Freedom
Eröffnung Gruppenausstellung Workshop Präsentation Führung
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Monday 24.06.2024
19:00 - Opening
19:30 - Workshop „Schwaben haus“ by Miruna Robescu for children (für Kinder zwischen 7 und 12 Jahren, DE, ENG, RO)
20:00 - Presentation of Remix ID in the context of the Revolution in Timișoara 1989 by Olga Török
20:30 - Remix ID music by U.Kustik
Thursday 27.06.2024
19:00 - Guided tour and artist talk by Renee Renard
Friday 28.06.2024
18:00 - Guided tour by Mirela Stoeac-Vlăduți (Remix ID Timișoara)
18:30 - Art-Talk „Voices of Freedom“ by Mirela Stoeac Vlăduți (Remix ID- Timișoara) and Denise Parizek (Pogmahon-Wien). Special guests Virgiulius Moldovan and Gabriel Kohn.
Saturday 29.06.2024
11:00 - Conference “Disintegrating worlds – the literature of the ethnic people of Banat and the feeling of the ’89 Revolution in Romania” by Cristian Vicol (Remix ID- Timișoara)
Voices of Freedom is an exhibition on the occasion of remix ID Vienna.
Artists Renee Renard and Remix ID
Artistic Director Olga Torok / Curator Mirela Stoeac-Vladuti / Co-Curator Denise Parizek
“My grandmother Aurelia Prinz says Farewell to her father, Dominic Haman. Recently returned to Triebswetter after four years of deportation to the Baragan, dispossessed from their house, factory and land, my great-grandparents were forced to leave Romania permanently. Although my great-grandfather lived until 1964, my grandmother was never granted permission to meet him again”
Renee Renard