Kultursommer: Writers-in-Exile / Bounce-on-south

Literatur Lesung Performance
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Donnerstag 4. Juli 2024
4. Juli 2024
Kultursommer: Writers-in-Exile / Bounce-on-south

18:30 – 19:30
Leicht wie eine Feder reisten die Träume

#Exilliteratur #Lyrik
Im Rahmen des Projekts Writers-in-Exile bietet die Stadt Wien Schriftsteller:innen, deren Heimat kein sicherer Ort für sie ist, die Möglichkeit, hier zu leben und zu schreiben. Manche von ihnen bauen sich im Exil ein neues Leben auf, andere können in ihr Land zurückkehren, wenn sich die Umstände ändern. Dass die Stimmen dieser Autor:innen gehört werden, ist ein wichtiger Beitrag für mehr Toleranz und ein respektvolleres Miteinander in unserer Gesellschaft.

Einblick in ihr literarisches Schaffen geben Kholoud Charaf (Syrien), Aftab Husain (Pakistan), Sarita Jenamani (Indien), Maynat Kurbanova und Amina Kurbanova (Tschetschenien). Moderation: Nadja Grössing

Autorin: Kholoud Charaf
Autor: Aftab Husain
Autorin: Sarita Jenamani
Autorin: Maynat Kurbanova
Autorin: Amina Kurbanova
Moderation: Nadja Grössing

20:00 – 21:00
zey, মm.

মm. and zey takes the audience on a journey through diasporic movements of musical rhythms and sounds from the global South and the Black diaspora. They offer two DJ sets of 30 minutes, highlighting the importance of creatively educating the public about the historical and contemporary connections and relations of diasporic flows of music and movement, while simultaneously contextualising and celebrating these. By doing so, they wish to temporarily create a space of QTBIPOC joy and expression shared on stage. That’s why they choose to work with three performers/dancers/hypers to demonstrate different kinds of culturally mediated movements to the music they play. Meha, nkeny and Nyx will be present on stage with them for most of the showing to stimulate the crowds, as well as DJs’ energy, and to help translate the inherent interdependence of dance and music. Dance, performance and movement are an essential part of club/party contexts and of the very creation of the sounds the DJs want to share. The visiting public would be offered a space to move and listen, while the performers create a link between these two different media historically dependent on each other, especially in the context of the sound from the global South and the Black diaspora.

DJ: Zey
DJ: মm.
Dancer: Nkeny Nsangong Bakilam
Dancer: Nyx BraveHeart
Dancer: Meha Jhajharia

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