Where do we stand on using outer space for peaceful purposes? The “Civil Society and Outer Space Forum 2007” organized by the Vienna CONGO office (Conference of Non-governmental Organizations in Consultative Relationship with the United Nations) will be held 8 - 9 October 2007at UN/VIC, Vienna.
Forum’s Objectives
Being held forty years after the Outer Space Treaty entered into force, the Forum should provide as comprehensive an overview as possible of the current situation, pertaining to the use of outer space, in particular those applications responding to a large variety of societal needs.
The Forum will grant members of the civil society community an opportunity to acquaint themselves with, and assess their potential contribution to, the application of space technology in selected fields of the peaceful use of outer space and security and conduct of space activities.
On the basis of those considerations, the Forum will formulate recommendations pertaining to increasing general awareness of the growing beneficial use of space technology and its contribution to socio-economic development, as well as to safeguarding sustainable space security.
The Forum will be organized by CONGO Vienna in cooperation with: • European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) • United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) • United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA) • Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) • Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and sponsored by • Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) • Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs (BMeiA) • Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) • Astrium SAS
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