EVA Vienna 2008
“Digital Cultural Heritage - Essential for Tourism”
Vienna, Austria
August 25th - August 28th, 2008
Online registration is available (see Registration page)!
Following the successful 1st EVA conference in Vienna in 2006, the Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (PRIP) Group of the Vienna University of Technology and the Austrian Computer Society (OCG) invites authors and guests to the 2nd EVA conference in Vienna. The conference is endorsed by the TC19 Computer Vision for Cultural Heritage Applications of the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR).
The main aim of this EVA Event in Vienna is to create a forum for discussions between the cultural heritage research community, technology researchers and cultural institutions. Our mission is to establish new technical tools for experts in the cultural heritage field. The accompanying motto of this conference is “Digital Cultural Heritage - Essential for Tourism”. The conference will focus on image analysis, cultural tourism, speech and communication in cultural heritage, archaeography, and museum and archaeological applications. The focus will be on both applied work as well as theoretical advanc