I MYSELF AM WAR!, 3 September – 2 October 2008
2 September, 19-00 – 21.30
Project curator: Gulsen Bal
Participant artist:
Oliver Ressler
Erinç Seymen
Moira Zoitl
12 September, 19.00 - 20.30
Luisa Ziaja and Rosa Reitsamer with Gulsen Bal
at Depot
Close Up > Intro:
“War is a ‘constitutive form of a new order’ that no longer knows an inside or outside, […] like so many other things these days, war too seems to be subject to a de- and re-regulation process that radically challenges old certainties and replaces them with new premises…”
I MYSELF AM WAR! is a project aiming to reflect the present geopolitics as well as cultural shifts that are as profound and evident in today’s factual daily life within its multitude. In order to emphasize the intersections of cultural practices and the possibilities to link the representational politics in the way this space orientates a search for present and future production, I MYSELF AM WAR! puts cultural engagements to the fore in mapping out ‘subject-positions’ which set its cultural syntheses rooted in differential structures. This requires exploring alternative discursive space(s) towards accepting the difficult relationship between the present complex relational powers and monolithic interpretations of the present cultural conflictual zones beyond the failures of multicultural ideologies.
I MYSELF AM WAR! therefore attempts to introduce different layers to manifest a progressive approach to a critical engagement in a closely associated context concerning with facing the rupturing sense of a fundamentalistic outlook.