Everybody can participate actively and has the chance to contribute with ideas and visions.
Who should attend?
The event should bring together people interested in anything that has to do with the Web. So if you're also interested in Semantic Technologies, the Web of Data, microformats/RDFa, mashups, data portability, open standards, etc. you should join this event!
WOD-PD main event
The main event (see program) is also open for anybody to attend and gives a practical insight into the Semantic Web (aka Web of Data or Web 3.0).
There is a small registration fee which includes access to all daytime sessions, lunch, coffee, and more.
As the maximum number of participants for the main event is limited make sure to register early!
This year's WOD-PDs are the first application-oriented, "hands-on" event of this kind which should show how semantic technologies may improve and enhance existing Web-based software systems and how the Web of Data will provide a completely new paradigm of managing globally interlinked information.