“Deep Search” wants to look at the social and political dimensions of how we navigate the deep seas of knowledge. We want to examine the pursuit of categorizing that data and what it means to relate to the world through digital search technologies. Futuristic applications and computational complexity aside, cognitive technologies deliberately designed to yield results in a limited frame of reference, imbed political philosophy in seemingly neutral code. In the daily reality of information overflow it is crucial to acknowledge both arbitrariness and willful designation, and that hierarchies are not miraculously produced by nature itself. Innocent utilities that blend into the routine of everyday work and leisure subtly bend our perception, and weave threads into the fabric of cognitive reality.
World-Information Institute Conference
Sat. 08.11.2008 10:30 – 20:00
Austria Trend Hotel Savoyen Vienna
10:30 Register & Coffee
10:45 Welcome
11:00 Keynote The World According to Grep
Paul Duguid, Adjunct Professor, School of Information
11:45 Q&A
12:00 Overview From Trust to Tracks
Claire Lobet-Maris, Professor, Computer Science Institute University of Namur, co-director of the CITA (Cellule Interfacultaire de Technology Assessment),
12:45 Q&A
13:00 Lunch Break
14:30 Search Engines and Civil Liberties
Inside the Google Trap?
Gerald Reischl, Journalist, Vienna
Search Engines and Digital Civil Rights
Joris van Hoboken, PhD candidate, Institute for Information Law,University of Amsterdam
15:30 Q&A
15:45 Search Engines and Power
Dissecting the Gatekeepers
Theo Röhle, PhD Candidate, Institute for Media and Communication, Uni Hamburg
Website Democratizing Search
Bernhard Rieder, Assistant Professor, Département Hypermédia, Université de Paris VIII - Vincennes Saint-Denis
16:45 Q&A
17:00 Coffee break
17:30 Making things visible
Deep Methods for the Info-Political Study of Search Engines
Richard Rogers, Chair in New Media & Digital Culture at the University of Amsterdam Website Multipolar Search
Gon Zifroni & Tsila Hassine, Metahaven, Amsterdam and Brussels & media artist and web-programmer
18:30 Q&A
18:45 Closing Discussion
19:45 Closing Remarks
20:00 End