Buchpräsentation: Space (Re)Solutions
und Vortrag Lee Rodney
Vortrag Lee Rodney (University of Windsor, Kanada): The Border Bookmobile anlässlich der Präsentation von Space (Re)Solutions: Intervention and Research in Visual Culture (Hg. Peter Mörtenböck & Helge Mooshammer)
Dienstag, 29. November 2011, 19.30 Uhr im Raum der IG Architektur Gumpendorferstr. 63B, 1060 Wien
The Border Bookmobile is a research platform and mobile exhibition of books, artist projects, photographs and ephemera about the urban history of the Windsor-Detroit region and other border cities around the world. The collection is housed in a 1993 Chrysler Voyager minivan that travels throughout the region. Produced in the Chrysler Minivan Assembly Plant, the largest auto factory in Windsor, the van acts as a symbol of the economic cycles of the region and the vicissitudes of manufacturing and trade that constitute local history.
Info The Border Bookmobile
Zum Buch:
SPACE (RE)SOLUTIONS. Intervention and Research in Visual Culture
Peter Mörtenböck, Helge Mooshammer (eds.), Bielefeld: [transcript] 2011
The rapid changes currently taking place in our urban, political and institutional environments have shifted spatial practice to centre stage both in civic life and academic research. Social networking, political projects, cross-border movements, artistic interventions, urban and environmental initiatives, self-organized educational practices – all articulate the challenges involved in organizing the spaces we share.
In this volume, visual culture scholars from around the world discuss the »practical turn« in different fields of critical engagement, proposing fresh ways to assert an interpenetrated space of research and intervention.