And a situation with an -ism on the left. Albért Bernàrd believes in art as some kind of inside joke, with unexplained symbols creating a meander of meanings that often lead to so-called after-midnight epiphanies, only to be re-constructed via browsing histories and a careful inspection of the kitchen sink. Post-contextual weightlifting (an exercise in interconcurrency) and aesthetic ambrosia (fried cardboard for lunch); After-images and Dioptrin/Aspirin. Exhibition format: Double Sided A4. Or like this old german expression says “Treffen sich zwei Jäger im Wald. Beide tot.” Btw, tl;dr: In the end there will be a family fortune in gold deposited in your name.
Curated by George P. Burdell
“The Inside Joke” is part of the Statement-Series co-curated by AfG