We will stream the talks from the second day at TEDGlobal 2012.
The world is becoming increasingly interconnected and open. Radically open — manifesting itself in open borders, open culture, open-source, open data, open science, open world, open minds. With the loss of privacy that it implies, openness carries its own dangers. But it breeds transparency, authenticity, creativity and collaboration. At TEDGlobal 2012 we will explore the idea of Radical Openness.
- Vicki Arroyo (Environmental Policy Influencer)
- Jonathan Trent (Scientist and Biofuel Guru)
- Sarah-Jayne Blakemore (Cognitive Neuroscientist)
- Susan Solomon (Stem Cell Advocate)
- Jamie Drummond (Anti-poverty activist)
- Usman Riaz (Percussive Guitarist)
- Preston Reed (Revolutionary Guitarist)
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Looking forward to meet you there!