Exquisit_de luxe A/V - Station Rose Jour Fixe
Medien & Technologie Ausstellung
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After 21 years, when Station Rose in Vienna´s 4th district was closed and Gary Danner & Elisa Rose chose Frankfurt & the Net as their 2nd heimat, they are back & active in Vienna now and re-open the Station in an upgraded version. Sampling, Techno and the Internet (topics of STR-symposia 1988-1990) are not a foreign concept to Vienna any more, and the Internet has become, well, what it is today. So, it´s time to trouble present order again, and explore new artistic concepts, sound tactics and communication.
Station Rose is a walkable interface between digital and analog art. Exhibitions, mixed-media-installations, live A/V-performances and theory are on the agenda. A public art space for popcultural interventions au son et lumière.
Station Rose: estd. 1988
JOUR FIXE 02 THU the artists are present