Albert Bernard, Eva Chytilek, Marlene Hausegger, Jakob Neulinge
“Triptych Trippin’” is a project in three parts: a travel exhibition rather than a travelling exhibition. New York, Los Angeles, Vienna. Concrete and/or concrète: contemporary hobo-ism as the new avant-vagabond, or just dharma bums with credit cards? Hobos, Hitch hikers and vagabonds sparked the imagination of rest of the world and left a unique aesthetic of the ephemeral, including a whole universe of signs and symbols. “Triptych Trippin’” is an exploration of exploration.
Triptych Tripping Exhibitions:
“We should be wondering”
Local Project: NYC July 21st 2012 (45-10 Davis Street
“Is there a world”
Latned Atsär: LA July 27st 2012 (3222 W. Jefferson Blvd.
Lust Gallery: Vienna October 30.2012 (Hollandstrasse 7/15 1020
Triptych Tripping is curated by Max Lust and supported through the
Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture and the
Austrian Embassy Los Angeles.