Performance 18:30
The Title refers to an incidence among a bunch of further incidences which will occur at the show. Stories are told. The sequence of the performances is random, the dramaturgical responsibility is passed to the audience. The whole thing could even be called: The dionysian performative Anarchism. Let’s construct orders and play with them. Destroy all Monsters. We are still in the cave. Let’s build a shrine or for Raymond Roussel and set it on fire.
Apart from those sympathies for the dionysian world, a lot of decisions have to be made while preparing an exhibition. Art is always about making decisions.
Should the text be painted white with a monochrome black background? Or
should the letters slightly fade into the dark? Should there be mixed a little amount of blue into the black to get a brighter contrast with the yellow surface next to it? Should a table be made of wood or of metal? Why using which material? Whats the purpose? Being purposly purposeless?
This could be called the third sphere - where things like art could happen, besides those bathetic, corny and dichotomous notions of “political art” or “art for the art-market”. If you want to do something useful and socially valuable, in order to come up to any moral commitment, then study economy or become a doctor who heals blind children in Africa, but not art. Ai Wei Wei, the Chinese artist, tries to free Chinese people from the dictatorship, and the european art-world from it’s bad conscience of being locked in a hedonistic and decadent ivory tower. You cannot make political art or whatever to “help” people, thats colonialistic. Help yourself! If a Teenager-kid from a poor turkish family runs by accident into a book of Surrealism inside a public library and gets addicted to art and starts to do art by him/herself and discovers lifelong enthusiasm, then the kid helps him/herself. You can only offer things to people which could inspire
people. Offer them something foolish, there’s too much useful in the world!
We need areas for us young fools to play our game and one of the most
important things is to have such a possibility, it doesn’t matter if its a Gallery or an offspace, or a Kunstverein or what the fuck ever.