Scaffoldings and stairs are structures of a site and building elements. Their presence attests the process of architectural construction , but also symbolic of an alleged act of building / lifting / building something. The stairs, and the scaffoldings are examples of a subsequent configuration of work. When cutting his ear meant for Van Gogh the occasion of separation from his friend Gauguin, the dissolution of South workshop, and up to the second moment of self- distruction- his suicide in July 1890. I oppose to the first assertion, the one of construction, the demolition represented by the ear cut in an essay of two entities that are fighting each other.
Scari si Schele
Schelele si scarile sunt structuri ale unui santier si elementele unei constructii. Prezenta lor atesta actul constructiei arhitectonice, dar si simbolic, al unui prezumtiv act de cladire/ridicare/zidire a ceva. Si scarile, dar si schelele sunt exemple ale configurarii ulterioare a unui lucru.
Momentul taierii urechii a insemnat, pentru Van Gogh, prilejul despartirii de Gauguin, a destramarii atelierului Sudului, dar si pasul catre cel de-al doilea moment al autodesfigurarii pictorului, sinuciderea sa din iulie 1890.