Sebastian Vonderau, Artist in Residence (2012/13) der SAMMLUNG LENIKUS, präsentiert seine Austellung KILL EM ALL in den STUDIOS genannten Ausstellungsräumen.
Before I begin, let me say a word or two to certain prigs, who affect to
speak of our society as if it were in some degree immoral in its tendency.
Immoral! God bless my soul, gentlemen, what is it that people mean? I am
for morality, and always shall be, and for virtue and all that; and I do
affirm, and always shall, (let what will come of it,) that murder is an
improper line of conduct, highly improper; and I do not stick to assert,
that any man who deals in murder, must have very incorrect ways of
thinking, and truly inaccurate principles; and so far from aiding and
abetting him by pointing out his victim’s hiding-place, as a great
moralist of Germany declared it to be every good man’s duty to do, I
would subscribe one shilling and six-pense to have him apprehended, which is
more by eighteen-pence than the most eminent moralists have subscribed for
that purpose. But what then? Everything in this world has two handles.
Murder, for instance, may be laid hold of by its moral handle, (as it
generally is in the pulpit, and at the Old Bailey;) and that, I confess,
is its weak side; or it may also be treated æsthetically, as the Germans
call it, that is, in relation to good taste.
Eröffnung am 11. Juni 2013 um 19 Uhr.
Ausstellungsdauer: 12. - 21. Juni 2013
Öffnungszeiten: nach Vereinbarung (
Ort: STUDIOS, Bauernmarkt 9, 1010 Wien