Freie Sammlung Wien #8: Dino Zrnec

Bildende Kunst Screening Filmfestival
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1 Termin im Archiv
Donnerstag 11. Juli 2013

Do., 11.07. (19h)
Dino Zrnec: Freie Sammlung Wien #8

Dino Zrnec
* 1983, lives and works in Zagreb
2008 Akademie der Bildenden Kunste Wien (exchange)
2007-2008 VSUP Academy of Art, Architecture and Design, Prague (exchange)
2002-2008 Academy of fine arts Zagreb
Exhibitions (selection) – solo:
2013 until tomorrow / do sutra, Anex gallery, Pula
2012 BFA project space, (with Christoph Bruckner) Vienna,
Blind spot, Karas gallery, Zagreb
After endorphins, Ve.Sch, dienstag Abend, Vienna
2010 From a to b, (with David Roth), Kino Mosor, Zagreb
Projection room, Gallery SC, Zagreb

  • group:
    2013 wir wieder hier Kunstmuseum Bochum
    2012 Drawing Quote, Pigna project space, Rome
    2011 Second reality, Kunstlerhaus Vienna
    Painting biennal, HDLU, Meštrovi? pavilion, Zagreb
    Polis, post industrial city, Pula, Karlo Rojc
    Drawing Outline, Kiev, Ukrain
    New fragments 7, Mali salon, Rijeka
    2010 Vienna biennale, Künstlerhaus, Vienna
    Youth salon, HDLU, Mestrovi? pavilion
    Zagreb salon, HDLU, Mestrovi? pavilion
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