Beyond Pleasure
Darstellende Kunst Vortrag Performance
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For all who could not come last friday we will do the performance a second time on Friday 15th, 20.00 h @ MASC Foundation. We would be pleased to see you there!!!
In his essay „Beyond the Pleasure Principle“ (1920) Sigmund Freud developed the hypothesis that in opposition to the sexual drives, which are aimed at the production and preservation of life, there must be an equal drive within us, that seeks dissolution, the reduction of tension and the abolishment of life. He called this drive „Todestrieb“ – the death instinct or death drive, which to Freud represented the desire of life forms to return to the anorganic world. Whereas he regarded the sexual drives as governed by the pleasure principle, he assumed the existence of a „nirvana principle“ working behind the death drive. One interesting point in Freuds theory was, that both the sexual drives and the death drives seemed to be somehow intertwined: the desire for sex, which can be seen as aimed at pleasure and the production of life, represents in the same way a desire for union and dissolution, as can best be seen in the french synonym of an orgasm, la petite mort, the little death. Freuds concept of the Todestrieb was never fully accepted by his followers, except by Jacques Lacan and Melanie Klein. Most other theoreticians of psychoanalysis regarded it as too poetic or too metaphysical. One could say that’s a pity, but we think this was quite good, for so it leaves the problem to us artists and philosophers, who now can try to make some sense of Freuds notion of the death instinct…
The lecture performance BEYOND PLEASURE will be realised within the art festival and exhibition project “Der essentielle Moment Ficken Drogen Steinsein”, curated by Georgij Melnikov and Vera Klimentyeva.
Additional Artwork by Zoe DeWitt and Vera Klimentyeva will be shown in the exhibition.